Sage 100 ERP
Core Accounting Modules & Features
Increasing productivity through improved workflow features and flexible personalization capabilities, is a must have. If not impossible, it is very hard to find other accounting software packages and ERP systems with nearly as enough flexibility and control as Sage 100 ERP (formerly "Sage MAS 90/200").
The solid financial and accounting core of Sage 100 ERP will give your business a strong business management foundation. Sage 100 ERP makes accounting and finance easy to stay on top so that you can maximize profits. At the heart of every Sage 100 ERP solution are these core financial and accounting modules - Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, General Ledger, and Fixed Assets.
The solid financial and accounting core of Sage 100 ERP will give your business a strong business management foundation. Sage 100 ERP makes accounting and finance easy to stay on top so that you can maximize profits. At the heart of every Sage 100 ERP solution are these core financial and accounting modules - Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, General Ledger, and Fixed Assets.
Accounts Payable Solution
An effective accounts payable solution is one that goes beyond recording transactions and obligations to vendors and creditors. The Accounts Payable module provides a comprehensive accounting software package for managing your expenditures. Dual-grid entry for accounting by department or division, making cash disbursements, and writing checks from multiple bank accounts is easy and practical. Special incentives such as early payment discounts and the ability to add new codes on a short time are possible.
Accounts Receivable Solution
Collect and present the information you need for better cash management using the flexible and intuitive format in the Accounts Receivable module in the accounting software package. This accounts receivable solution Streamlines daily accounts receivable activities for optimum efficiency, with capabality of turning veiws and options on or off, to accomodate your business needs.
Bank Reconciliation Processing Solution
Locating discrepancies between your books and the bank statement is an important part of your bank reconciliation solution. To simplify this process, Sage 100 ERP provides detection of recorded transactions and the differences, in an easy-to-implement accounting software solution.
Fixed Asset Management Solution
Companies can track tangible assets like laptops, copiers, vehicles, and other business equipments and those responsible for them, and automatically calculate their depreciation with this accounting software solution. Fixed Assets provides fast, dependable, customizable fixed assets management performance and data security.
General Ledger
There are industry-specific account structures to choose from when creating your own chart of account. This accounting software solution is a single point where you can summarize and get information from to build a trustworthy financial statement and other statement.
Electronic Reporting Solution Benefit
Sage 100 ERP accounting software package has the ability to report W2 wage and payment information electronically. Prepared in the format required by the federal government from the Sage 100 ERP Payroll and Accounts Payable modules, as well as 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, and 1099-MISC data, the information is much more valuable.
Sales Tax Awareness
Tax laws change constantly and keeping up with calculation, collection, and remittance of sales and use taxes are time consuming. Sales tax and use taxes calculation, reporting and other functions are automated with this solution to save time and lower audit risks. Tasks like jurisdiction assignment, rate research, maintenance to reporting, returns, and remittance are accomplished in less time and improve compliance.
Electronic Data Interchange
EDI solutions from TrueCommerce have the answer to the integration questions of you and your business partners. Simpler and more affordable EDI is available and Sage 100 ERP has easy integrations to improve business transactions.
Document Management Solution
Doc-link™ software is an integrated document management system (IDMS) that interfaces with your business system to effectively eliminate paper and make filing easier than ever.
Alerts and Workflow Controls
KnowledgeSync monitors and responds to every important business condition within the entire organization. Finance, sales, manufacturing, and beyond — KnowledgeSync automatically identifies events and issues critical to the success of your business, and responds accordingly to address the needs.
Compliance and Internal Controls
eProcessManager® Suite integrates corporate process, performance and compliance management in a single integrated approach. It can easily document and monitor corporate processes, risks and controls.